Monday, 7 August 2017

Genre Research

Films are put into different genres depending on common conventions. Each genre has a list of conventions that an audience would expect to see when watching the film. Genres help to target a specific niche audience. 

Genres do change over time and can merge together to become hybrids. This means the genre of film is more than one, such as rom-com.

Some of the classic film genres are listed below:
  • Action
  • Thriller
  • Science Fiction (Sci-Fi)
  • Comedy
  • Drama
  • Horror
  • Musical
  • Adventure

Romance Trailer Codes and Conventions

The narrative of romance trailers usually follow the conventional "boy meets girl" plot, which consists of the main male character meeting the main female character and eventually falling in love. This has proven to be a successful narrative structure of romance films and the target audience often expect to see a plot like this. Often the film will involve some sort of disequilibrium which forces the characters to break up or be separated, the cause of this could be one of them moving away or even one of them dying, for example, P.S. I love you.

The location used is often somewhere rural, because it is known to be beautiful and peaceful which are both associated with the romance genre. Close up shots are used to emphasise the significance/importance of certain things in the narrative, this shot also shows the characters emotions. Shot reverse shot edits are used to clearly show a connection or relationship between two characters and establishing shots are used to show the location.

Sub-genres of Romance
  • Romance Drama
  • Romance Thriller
  • Rom-com

Evaluation Question 4