Monday 3 July 2017

Horror Trailer Codes and Conventions

A horror film is a movie that seeks to elicit a physiological reaction, such as an elevated heartbeat, through the use of fear and shocking one’s audiences. Horror films often deal with viewers' nightmares, fears and terror of the unknown. The films typically either end the film or leave it unfinished so that a sequel can be made, this could result in a franchise like the Saw films.

  • Often dark colours like red & black (links to evil, blood and danger)
  • Low-key lighting can help to create dark shadows and unfamiliar shapes in the blackness

  • Good vs Evil
  • Religion
  • Nightmares
  • Supernatural
  • Abandoned houses
  • Cabins
  • Graveyards
  • Anything that connote isolation or being alone
  • Action horror
  • Slasher film
  • Zombie film
  • Supernatural horror

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