Thursday, 22 March 2018

Re-filming and Editing Process

Here are pictures of Georgia during the editing process for our second draft.  We listened to the feedback we were given and followed this to produce an improved product. The main changes that we had to make were to re-shoot and add in blank screens with the names of the actors and different quotes about the film in order to add enigma codes.  We needed to make the story line less fluid so the audience couldn’t guess the whole plot too easily.  We also needed to change some sounds/music in order to make it more dynamic.
This process didn’t take as long as long as we first thought.  The filming process only took a couple of hours on one day and the next day we edited it, which also took a couple of hours.

The first thing that we did in this editing process was to look over the footage we just shot and cut out the parts that we didn’t need.  We then placed it into the original trailer. From then we decided to edit and make the other neccessary improvements.  We then decided to put the text in at different moments, this proved more difficult than we originally thought as we wanted the text to make sense to show what is happening but also to not give too much away.  We decided whilst doing this that we needed to move around the flash backs of the suspects so they followed after their ‘mugshot’, we felt like this breaks up the story a bit.  This caused some issues with the music as it didn’t fit at some points, so we had to edit this later in the process. Once all the text and footage was put in the right place, we decided to re-edit the music, whilst doing this we found another track that we added in order to change the music in attempt to make it more dynamic.
We came across different challenges whilst doing this, one of which was deciding on a font to use for the text on the screen.  We decided to have a different font for the actors’ names and the quotes/other text. We thought this would make the actors’ names stand out, making them more memborable. Another thing we had to decide on was how the text was displayed on the screen, we tried different transitions but eventually found one that we liked and thought worked well with the genre of the trailer.

Changing the order of the footage was a bit difficult as we didn’t want to effect any of the editing we had done to the previously clips, we took our time when doing this so that we didn’t miss any small details or make any mistakes. Re-matching the timing of the music proved more difficult than anticipated but we put good detail into this so that we made sure it works.

Overall this editing process was quite enjoyable because we knew what we had to do and we already had previous experience with the software so we knew how to do it.  From this and the feedback we will receive after showing our target audience we will begin working on our third draft.

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