Tuesday 20 June 2017

Targets for my A2 Media Blog

  • For this task Georgia, Leanne and I will create a schedule which we will strictly keep to as time management was something we struggled with last year. We feel this will benefit us because it will allow us to look back over our work at the end to spot or correct any mistakes. 
  • In order for our film trailer to be a success we will make sure to get feedback for every draft we make to ensure we get the most marks available. This means we will need to allow extra time to get the feedback and that is an example of why we will have a schedule. 
  • We will make sure we have enough time to spend on making the evaluation questions to a good standard. We feel that during our AS coursework the evaluation questions were rushed so they were not to the best of our ability and less detail was put in because we were under pressure with time to make sure they were finished.
  • This time we will communicate better with each other by letting the other one know when a blog post has been uploaded and if they need any guidance with certain things. This is a good target for us to set because in our past experiences we were not good at communicating and that did let us down. However, Georgia, Leanne and I get on well inside and outside of lessons so we should not struggle with communicating with each other. 

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Evaluation Question 4